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Monday, 20 August 2018

Calorie Counting Chart - As Easy as Using a Checkbook

Do you use a checkbook? Are you comfortable with addition and subtraction?

Are you tired of following every new diet tip or 'secret' that pops up?

Then maybe you are ready for the real deal.

Maybe you are ready to take control of your body management. Doing so is often easier than jumping from fad to fad. Taking control for yourself means coming to an appreciation of your body and its particular needs. Then using simple tools to get the results you want.

I'll give you an example from my own experience. I have used a calorie counting chart to lose twenty pounds. What I have discovered by doing so, is that what I *actually* eat each day and what I *need* to eat for good health and satisfaction are two different things.

And sorting out that difference is very much like using a checkbook to keep track of my family's monthly finances.

What about you? Do you...

- keep track of money that goes into your bank account?

- keep track of money that goes out of your bank account?

- understand you need money *in* your account before money can come *out*?

If you can successfully tackle those concepts with your money, I feel confidant in your ability to use those same skills to get the body weight results you want using a calorie counting chart.

Here's the deal. Using a calorie counting chart (just like a checkbook register), you

- keep track of the calories you take in each day.

- decide how many calories you need to use each day for good health.

- make adjustments in the amounts of calories available to you, through food choices and exercise.

The great thing is, it's all in black and white. No confusion. Just like with your money, if you know you want to purchase a new pair of shoes, then you make a satisfying choice to put your money towards those new shoes instead of buying a new cd. Or you choose watching a video at home instead of going to the movies, knowing you are going to be wearing those new shoes very, very soon.

A similar principle is in effect when using your calorie counting chart. (For a free calorie counting chart, see the author's resource box at the end of this article.) Using your chart, you can see what calories you have banked upfront. You know (or can learn) what types and amounts of calories you need to be healthy and happy. Now you can examine your food and movement (exercise) choices and make intelligent, guilt-free decisions. Easy decisions like

- using low-fat sour cream and cheeses instead of their high-fat counterparts. Especially when mixed with other foods, you won't even notice the difference.

- drinking a glass of water before you eat. Every time.

- chatting with a friend on your cell phone while you walk (choosing movement) instead of while you watch TV.

The bottom line here is that if tracking your body management is looking complicated to you, you can make it simple again. As simple as adding and subtracting numbers in a checkbook register. Only for this game you'll use a calorie counting chart.

As simple as that.

Colleen Langenfeld has been parenting for over 25 years and helps other moms enjoy mothering more at . Get a free calorie counting chart here.

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